Never & Now’s GOTV strategy is centered around phone banking, canvassing, poll greeting, post cards, and letter writing. Click around to learn more and get involved
Phone Banking

Voters are 4x more likely to vote if you call and talk with them!
What is this? Pretty much what it sounds like - you call people. Now these are mostly virtual so you’ll sign into a zoom, receive training to familiarize yourself with the process, and people will be available to answer questions throughout. You are provided a script (but you can make it your own) - and you call people then record the answers to the questions in the script.
How much time are we talking? This is the great thing about phone banks - they are usually a couple hours (early evenings and weekends) but you can come and go as you please. If you have things that might interrupt you - that’s ok. Put down the phone and come back when you can.
Benefits of this way of volunteering: Convenience!
In Person Canvassing: Voters are 10x more likely to vote if you knock on their door!
What is this? Going door to door to talk with prospective voters. You are provided a script and where to go, who you will be reaching out to. They send you to “friendly territory” this isn’t about changing minds- it is about getting out the vote and awareness. They pull lists for each session and you can ask questions about who you will be visiting/etc. Typically there is a specific reason for the canvas - support/awareness for a candidate, getting out the vote, etc.
How much time are we talking? Organized canvassing is usually for a couple of hours on a weekend in a specific targeted area
Benefits of this way of volunteering: There are many benefits- getting out and talking to people about things you care about creates a sense of community. Not everyone wants to talk but you are sure to come away with some really amazing stories and many times you provide EXTREMELY valuable information to people they wouldn’t have gotten otherwise. Also - you can go with friends! This is a great group event- grab a couple friends and sign up!

Poll Greeting
Volunteer to greet voters and hand out blue cards on Election Day. Check back later for more information.
If you have questions about any of the activities above or just want to know more, please reach out to